baking ingredients and their functions ppt

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Ask students to think of some recipes they are familiar with and help you brainstorm common cooking ingredients. 1.1 status of baking industry 1.2 bread formulation 1.3 bread making procedure 1.4 functions of mixing 1.5 types of mixers 1.6 functions of moulding and dividing 1.7 functions of proving 1.8 changes during mixing, fermentation and baking 1.9 summary 1.10 key words 1.11 self assessment questions 1.12 suggested readings The following section outlines the process, the changes that take place from the dough piece to the biscuit during baking and the factors that influence the baking process and the quality of the end product. Egyptians were the one who started baking bread using . This recipe is quite literally easy as 1-2-3. Each ingredient in a baking recipe has a specific purpose and plays an important role in the success or failure of the baked goods. Conduct evaluation . It is probably the oldest cooking method. Heat is gradually transferred "from the surface of cakes, cookies and breads to their centre.

The commonest of these TUBE CENTER PAN Flour - Flour is the basic building block of most . 24. 4. It also assists in the dispersion of fat through the bulk of the recipe. They'll give your presentations a professional, memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. Assists in the development of gluten during mixing and baking Assists in rising (leavening) during baking Is involved in the gelatinization of starch, thus . The Baking Ingredients and Equipment Technology course addresses this; it's the "how baking works" class. Identify formulas used for increase and decrease recipes and the importance for detail.

The classification of flour is based on the amount of protein that each type contains.

BAKING TOOLS AND. Fat makes pie tough because it causes gluten development in flour. OTHER INGREDIENTS MAY BE USED Eggs: Use only fresh, large eggs in baking recipes. By Sharon Lauterbach, Extension Assistant Julie A. Albrecht, Extension Food Specialist. 3. . Q. 3. 30 seconds. There are a variety of kinds of baking sheets, the three most common are aluminum, dark nonstick and insulated sheets. When it comes to baking, most people blend a few different non . The gluten, or protein, in flour, combines to form a web that traps air bubbles and sets. 22. Gluten-Free Flours: There is a wide variety of gluten-free flours available today, made from all sorts of grains, nuts and starches. made of glass or metal containers for batter and dough with various sizes and shapes. They help to bind all of the ingredients together, and add moisture and flavor to the final product. Question 27. Protein determines the gluten strength of the flour. (Source Baking Times ). All are the functions of the egg in baking except ________. The world's oldest oven, around 6500 years old, was discovered in Croatia in 2014. Cakes are basically made from fat, flour, sugar and eggs, with the exception of the sponge, which is fatless. The germ makes products more dense with less rise. Ask students if they have ever forgotten an ingredient when they were baking.Ask how they could tell the ingredient was missing, and allow students to share their experiences.

Information www . The implements used, such as blades, whisks, spoons, etc . The graphic organizer must have the illustration drawings of the various ingredients in baking together with their function. Labeling of foods for the presence of allergenic foods must identify all foods that intentionally contain the particular food or ingredients derived from that food.

For even heat circulation, baking sheets should be at least 2 inches smaller all around than the interior of the oven. 26.

This is the first of seven installments covering all the facets of flat wafer processing, which discusses details regarding the necessary wafer ingredients.. Flour - it is generally considered that wheat flour from almost any source can be used for basic wafer manufacture although usual preference is for a flour or blend of flours . Flour is the basic first ingredient in any baking project. Cover topics such as: color of flour, texture, protein . Liquid Liquid The liquid ingredient may be milk, fruit juice, water and any others. The process of making bread can be broken down at a very simple level into four steps. Active Ingredients and Their Functional Mechanisms. The selection of the ingredients, their proportions to one another, and how they are combined determine the flavor and texture of the finished baked item. Utility tray - is used to hold ingredients together. Without this important process occurring in the dough, fermentation would not occur as yeast requires simple sugars in order to produce carbon dioxide. Our focus is on the baking of good quality biscuits. Gluten gives the dough its shape and form. baking tools and equipment i. hand tools and small equipment a. for measuring ingredients and temperature b. for mixing batters and doughs c. for handling doughs and batter d. for panning, baking and cooling ii. Any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts as part of the Fruit Group. The texture varies according to the method of preparation and the proportion of fat to flour. Bakery products, which include bread, rolls, cookies, pies, pastries, and muffins, are usually prepared from flour or meal derived from some form of grain. It not only adds flavor to bread and cakes, but it also brings out the best in the flavors of its fellow ingredients. First, the ingredients are mixed; the four basic ingredients used to make a bread are flour, water, yeast, and salt. 7 of 30. Gluten-Free Flours: There is a wide variety of gluten-free flours available today, made from all sorts of grains, nuts and starches. Foods & Baking Objectives: Students will Measure ingredients properly. Flour is grain ground to a powder form. One maker in India, Parle Products sells approximately 13 billion of their Parle G Glucose biscuits every month. Flour gives the structure for the product. Combining these creates a dough, which is then kneaded before being left to rise, before being baked. 6 :: BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY G.Orange Peel I.Yeas (fresh) K.Golden Syrup M.Cornflour O.Canned cherries Q.Rum H. Fresh Vegetables J. When it comes to baking, most people blend a few different non . Common sizes for baking sheets are: 17x14-inch and 12x15-inch. BAKERtv. baking ingredients 1. baking ingredients 2. a. flour this is the primary ingredient in baking 3. Break. 6. Generally, liquid serves as a solvent for salt, sugar and other solutes. The graphic organizer must have the illustration drawings of the various ingredients in baking together with their function. You'll also have to let this flour rest before baking-ten minutes should be the minimum, 20-30 is ideal. Anne DiNoto October 2, 2013 at 4:31 pm # I have 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8 on this list. 5. Each mixing method gives a different texture and character to the baked good. Weighing scale -is used to measure ingredients in large quantities.

Just the right amount of acid is added to the baking soda so that when the baking powder is added to moist ingredients, there is a reaction that releases carbon dioxide bubbles. 5. Oil and margarine are the two most common fats used to make pie crust. We discuss the functions of yeast, sugars, dairy, eggs, flour, nuts, oils, fats, and chemical leavenershow they work in recipes and why. Enhanced food science coverage highlights the functions of ingredients with additional information on flavor wheels.

2. all purpose flour contains 10 12 % protein. A dredger or shaker. Many investigations on the active ingredients of vinegars and their corresponding functional mechanisms have been performed. BAKE-1012 Quick Breads and Viennoiserie More Information. The simple diagram above shows a maltose molecule being separated into two glucose molecules. EQUIPMENT 1. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Even a microwave is just piece of kitchen equipment to make heating food easier! Make sure to check that the recipe has baking soda, if not make sure to add 1/4 teaspoon per 1 cup of honey used to help neutralize the acid in the honey for proper leavening.

; Use the Food functions cards to explain the 'how and why' of ingredients and their functional properties.Divide the class into six groups and provide each group with a different .

In cakes, cookies, and quick breads, we want little gluten formation, which makes products tough. SURVEY. Start by arranging a single layer of pretzels on a baking sheet.

bakery equipment a. types of mixers b. bread and dough handling equipment c. types of ovens d. other equipment Protein determines the gluten strength of the flour. The classification of flour is based on the amount of protein that each type contains. Baking Powder. Fat found in egg yolks also tenderizes by coating the flour proteins and then preventing them from becoming moistened when water is added, hence preventing long, interconnecting gluten strands from forming. 2. Most bakeware .

Dry Measuring Cups Dry Measuring Cups 1 cup, cup, 1/3 cup,1/4 cup - abbreviate c. Used for measuring dry ingredients (flour, sugar, etc.) Mixing is a general term that includes stirring, beating, blending, binding, creaming, whipping and folding. Starch in flour sets as it heats to add to and support the structure. in different sizes and shapes and may be round square rectangular or heart shaped. Bread baking began in Ancient Greece around 600 BC. Why It's Essential: In contrast to the whisk, a rubber spatula really is an all-purpose baking tool. A rotary moulded biscuit derived from 'Glucose', a highly popular biscuit in India. However, voluntary labeling for the possible presence of A loaf of bread or a cake without salt will taste bland, but too much salt will overpower the other flavors. To introduce pupils to the functions of ingredients, show the Functional properties of ingredients overview presentation.Ask the pupils to complete the Functions overview worksheet to check their understanding. Key Consumer Message: Practice reading, halving, and doubling recipes. Group 2 The teacher will provide necessary materials that are needed by the students, after that the students must create and present an advance graphic organizer. The commonest of these Specialization=Convenience Most utensils have been invented to make life more convenient Some basic utensils make cooking fun because less time is spent actually preparing the food for cooking.

Flours: Cake, Bread, All Purpose etc. Flour gives structure to the pastry. 1.

3. Write how each tool is used. Group 2 The teacher will provide necessary materials that are needed by the students, after that the students must create and present an advance graphic organizer. The richest cakes include equal proportions of the basic ingredients as in a Victoria Sandwich Cake, but additions can be made such as dried fruit nuts and spices as for a Christmas or . 3. As heat travels through it transforms batters and dough into baked goods with a firm dry crust and a softer centre".

Emulsifier of fat and liquid.

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baking ingredients and their functions ppt

baking ingredients and their functions ppt